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SettingsInput is the partial type of the Settings type for performing mutations.

type SettingsInput {  live: LiveConfigurationInput  moderation: MODERATION_MODE  premoderateAllCommentsSites: [ID!]  communityGuidelines: SettingsCommunityGuidelinesInput  premodLinksEnable: Boolean  customCSSURL: String  customFontsCSSURL: String  disableDefaultFonts: Boolean  disableCommenting: SettingsDisableCommentingInput  editCommentWindowLength: Int  organization: SettingsOrganizationInput  closeCommenting: SettingsCloseCommentingInput  wordList: SettingsWordListInput  email: SettingsEmailConfigurationInput  auth: SettingsAuthInput  integrations: SettingsExternalIntegrationsInput  recentCommentHistory: RecentCommentHistoryConfigurationInput  charCount: SettingsCharCountInput  stories: StoryConfigurationInput  reaction: ReactionConfigurationInput  featuredBy: Boolean  topCommenter: TopCommenterConfigurationInput  badges: BadgeConfigurationInput  staff: BadgeConfigurationInput  accountFeatures: CommenterAccountFeaturesInput  slack: SlackConfigurationInput  locale: Locale  newCommenters: NewCommentersConfigurationInput  premoderateSuspectWords: Boolean  rte: RTEConfigurationInput  media: MediaConfigurationInput  memberBios: Boolean  amp: Boolean  flattenReplies: Boolean  forReviewQueue: Boolean  externalProfileURL: String  embeddedComments: EmbeddedCommentsConfigurationInput  flairBadges: FlairBadgeConfigurationInput  dsa: DSAConfigurationInput  premoderateEmailAddress: PremoderateEmailAddressConfigurationInput}


live (LiveConfigurationInput)#

live provides configuration options related to live updates for stories on this site.

moderation (MODERATION_MODE)#

moderation is the moderation mode for all Stories on the site.

premoderateAllCommentsSites ([ID!])#

premoderateAllCommentsSites are the sites that should have all comments premoderated when moderation mode is SPECIFIC_SITES_PRE

communityGuidelines (SettingsCommunityGuidelinesInput)#

communityGuidelines will be shown in the comments stream.

premodLinksEnable (Boolean)#

premodLinksEnable will put all comments that contain links into premod.

customCSSURL (String)#

customCSSURL is the URL of the custom CSS used to display on the frontend.

customFontsCSSURL (String)#

customFontsCSSURL is the URL of the custom CSS with @font-face definitions used to display on the frontend.

disableDefaultFonts (Boolean)#

disableDefaultFonts will turn off font-face loading of Coral's default fonts.

disableCommenting (SettingsDisableCommentingInput)#

disableCommenting will disable commenting site-wide.

editCommentWindowLength (Int)#

editCommentWindowLength is the length of time (in seconds) after a comment is posted that it can still be edited by the author.

organization (SettingsOrganizationInput)#

organization stores information about the organization behind this specific instance of Coral.

closeCommenting (SettingsCloseCommentingInput)#

closeCommenting contains settings related to the automatic closing of commenting on Stories.

wordList (SettingsWordListInput)#

wordList will return a given list of words.

email (SettingsEmailConfigurationInput)#

email is the set of credentials and settings associated with the organization.

auth (SettingsAuthInput)#

auth contains all the settings related to authentication and authorization.

integrations (SettingsExternalIntegrationsInput)#

integrations contains all the external integrations that can be enabled.

recentCommentHistory (RecentCommentHistoryConfigurationInput)#

recentCommentHistory is the set of settings related to how automatic pre-moderation is controlled.

charCount (SettingsCharCountInput)#

charCount stores the character count moderation settings.

stories (StoryConfigurationInput)#

stories stores the configuration around stories.

reaction (ReactionConfigurationInput)#

reaction specifies the configuration for reactions.

featuredBy (Boolean)#

featuredBy specifies whether or not the "Featured by" featured is enabled

topCommenter (TopCommenterConfigurationInput)#

topCommenter specifies whether or not the feature is enabled to show that commenters with comments featured within the last 10 days are top commenters

badges (BadgeConfigurationInput)#

badges specifies the configuration for user badges assigned to users with any role above COMMENTER.

staff (BadgeConfigurationInput)#

DEPRECATED: staff specifies the configuration for user badges assigned to users with any role above COMMENTER.

accountFeatures (CommenterAccountFeaturesInput)#

accountFeatures specifies the configuration for accounts.

slack (SlackConfigurationInput)#

slack specifies the configuration for Slack integration.

locale (Locale)#

locale specifies the locale for this Tenant.

newCommenters (NewCommentersConfigurationInput)#

newCommenters is the configuration for how new commenters comments are treated.

premoderateSuspectWords (Boolean)#

premoderateSuspectWords when enabled will cause any comments that contain suspect words to be sent to pre-moderation to be reviewed by a moderator prior to being presented in stream.

rte (RTEConfigurationInput)#

rte is the configuration of the Rich-Text-Editor.

media (MediaConfigurationInput)#

media is the configuration media content attached to Comment's.

memberBios (Boolean)#

memberBios is whether members can define a bio for their account.

amp (Boolean)#

amp is whether Accelerated Mobile Pages Support is activated.

flattenReplies (Boolean)#

flattenReplies is whether or not to flatten replies

forReviewQueue (Boolean)#

forReviewQueue is whether or not to show the For Review queue in the Moderate tab of the admin. This queue allows moderators to review every flag that has been put on a comment by a user. This feature shall help complying with European Law (European Directive 2000/31/CE).

externalProfileURL (String)#

externalProfileURL is a string template for a link to a user's external profile.

embeddedComments (EmbeddedCommentsConfigurationInput)#

embeddedComments includes the configuration for embedded comments.

flairBadges (FlairBadgeConfigurationInput)#

flairBadges specifies the configuration for flair badges, including whether they are enabled and any configured image urls

dsa (DSAConfigurationInput)#

dsa specifies the configuration for DSA European Union moderation and reporting features.

premoderateEmailAddress (PremoderateEmailAddressConfigurationInput)#

premoderateEmailAddress is the configuration for finding specific email addresses at sign up and premoderating them according to various rules.